Instantly Supercharge your Wordpress Website Speed and Boost Customer Site Browsing Experience

Wordpress is an opensource CMS. Which means to say that lots of plugins are probably not made by their in-house developers. As much as plugin developers wants their plugins(Free or Paid) to be picked up and used in as many wordpress sites as possible, there are certain plugins that can tremendously pull down your site speed by having them activated on your site. 

Here are a list of plugins that we recommend you deactivate and remove if you feel that your site is dragging on your customers' site browsing experience. 

1) Jetpack

This plugin is good. In-fact is so popular that the Free version comes pre-installed with your wordpress version. However, that being said, alot of its marketing and site security features connects to its backend API for calls to access and that can make your site loading tremendously slow, especially when traffic is high. For paid customers, that might be a different experience altogether. But I'll leave that for another review. 

2) Akismet Anti-Spam

This plugin is also another one that comes with your default wordpress installation.This plugin, unfortunately, also makes API calls to an external source that can seriously drag down the speed of your website. 

3) WP Super Cache

WP Super cache makes heavy API calls that can seriously affect your website speed. As much as its plugin can help activate cache and increase speed for your website. The massive file contents and API calls make from its plugin to their backend servers can effectively hinder your website page loading speed. As much benefits this plugin provides, I've remove this from my site to in order to have a much faster page loading speeds on my website. 

Here's a more comprehensive list to check out if your site have any plugins that are currently slowing your website down. 

The 3 plugins that I've stated here are the 3 more popular plugins that I personally feel have much serious impacting loads that affect website page speeds. Of course, there are many other plugins that do make use of backend API calls to work with your wordpress websites. However, certain plugins make use of heavier server calls than causes websites to load much slower and laggy. 

Are you finding it difficult to rank your website or get search engines to index your pages? Maybe your webpage just ain't loading fast enough in comparison to the market standards. With faster internet connectivity these days, slower page loading is a definite no-no. Try remove the recommended the plugins and see your page loading speeds significantly increase. 

You can check your site's page speed using Page speed insights by Google

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