The Complete Singaporean Guide to keeping Healthy Betta Fish | Cheapest to set-up, Easiest to Maintain

Keeping Betta fish requires proper care and attention to their environment and nutrition. Follow these steps to ensure your Betta fish stays healthy.

Betta Fishes at Clementi Florist and Aquarium
Betta Fishes at Clementi Florist and Aquarium

Section 1: Proper Habitat

  • Use a suitable tank size. Most mini tanks sold in aquariums should work fine, unless you are looking to keep a plakat that you want to grow up to 2-3" in size. A regular tank size 4-5 times the size of your betta fish will be optimal. You don't really need a 5 gallon tank.
  • Use proper water conditioning. I recommend using Seachem Prime as it removes not only chlorines but also chloramine from water. Singapore water supply contains chloramine which is a more stable compound. Using solely chlorine removal chemicals will still leave ammonia in your water which can easily kill your fish.
  • Get a filter (optional but recommended). If you have a small tank, I suggest getting a mini filter that can help cycle the tank water. A budget alternative will be to do a 25% water change every 1-2 days. This will ensure you remove any leftover food, pee and waste left over by your fish.
  • Get some substrate. I recommend getting some lava rocks. This helps to give beneficial bacteria a place to grow in your tank. 30-60mm ones will be the easiest to maintain. Avoid sand unless you are an advanced aquarist and are looking to build an aquarium eco-environment for your fish.
Mini betta Tanks at Aquariums
A Regular tank size 4-5 times the size of your betta fish should suffice. 

Section 2: Maintaining Good Water Quality

  • Perform daily water changes. Your fish pee and poop just like you do on a daily basis, so if you have a small tank, you will need to draw out some water and refill with new water inside the tank. Use a suction to suck up water from the bottom of the tank and remove any visible poop. 
    • I'd recommend getting a siphon filter from an aquarium to easily suck up any visible dirt and fish food leftovers.
Siphon filter to suck up dirt daily and to do minor water changes.
  • Perform weekly water changes. This can help keep your tank clean. When changing water, do NOT wash everything. Remove the old water and do a rough rinse of your tank, but not too thorough. Beneficial bacteria left over in your tank can help balance any changes in your habitat.

Section 3: Balanced Diet

  • Betta fish require a high-protein diet, but it's important to provide a balanced diet.
  • Keep at least three varieties of food for your Betta fish, such as mini pellets, Betta flakes, and freeze-dried bloodworms. I personally love this 
  • Feed your Betta once or twice a day.
Keep a variety of high protein food for your Betta Fish

Section 4: Keep your Betta Fishes Flaring!

  • Workout keeps your Betta immune systems healthy and strong. Have it flare on its own reflection at least once a day. Then feed it with some special food to keep its fighting spirits up! Any abnormal behaviours can also be checked out from getting your betta to flare. If its suddenly not flaring on its own reflection, you know that your betta is definitely sick. 
Betta Mirror
Get a mirror for your betta fish

Section 4: Further Tips to keep your Betta Happy and Healthy

  • Observe your Betta fish regularly to check for signs of stress or illness. Healthy Betta fish are active, alert, and have bright colors. Symptoms of illness can include lethargy, loss of appetite, fin rot, or discoloration. A good way to notice any pre-warning signs of Betta sickness is to notice any anomaly in its behaviour. Learn to baseline their normal behaviour so when your fish exhibit any warning signs, you can make immediate changes to its environment.
  • Avoid overcrowding. Betta fish are territorial and can become aggressive towards other fish, especially males. Avoid keeping them in overcrowded tanks or with fish that are smaller or more passive, as this can lead to fighting and stress. A good rule of thumb is to keep just 1 Betta fish per tank, especially if you are keeping the fish in a small tank.
  • Maintain a stable environment. Betta fish thrive in a stable environment, so avoid sudden changes in water temperature or quality. Keep the tank away from direct sunlight and drafts, and maintain a consistent lighting schedule.
  • Using a heater is a personal preference, but it's not necessary in Singapore's weather unless you hope to keep your fish extremely comfortable in its environment.

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